- How did he look, Sir? Was he portly, bold, outspoken, and hearty? 他看来怎样,先生?他是不是又魁梧、又豪放、又直爽、又精神饱满呢?
- I heard you ran into Bill last night. How did he look? 听说你昨晚见到比尔了,他怎么样?
- How does he look? 他是什么样子?
- Tina: How does he look like? 他长的怎么样?
- How does he occupy himself now he's retired? 他既已退休,那如何打发日子呢?
- How does he earn his bread and butter? 他怎样谋生?
- How did he find a way to sneak out of the house? 他是怎么设法从房子里溜出来的?
- How does he stack up against you at chess? 他的棋术比你如何?
- Do you know David?- No. What does he look like? 你知道大卫吗?不知道。他长什么样?
- How does he feel when he first see it? 当他一开始看见这个房间时,他感觉怎么样?
- How did he start his feud with his neighbor? 他是怎样和邻居开始争吵起来的?
- How does he get to the city terminal? 他怎样到达市区集散站的?
- How did he react to your suggestion? 他对你的建议反应如何?
- Then how does he pay for his rental service? 那么,又如何来支付呢?
- How does he make out while his wife is away? 他妻子不在家时他是怎么生活的?
- Friend: He sounds like an interesting guy. What does he look like? 朋友:听起来他像是一个有趣的家伙,他长什么样?
- How does he steal a kiss from a girl like that? 他怎么那样骗取一个姑娘的吻呢?
- Why does he look at Eagle's Rock and Mr Vitalis' house? 他又来这个小岛做什麽呢?
- How does he come in the snowy day? 这样的下雪天他怎么来的?
- God, does he look stupid when he's pretending not to be worried. 上帝,当他正在假装的时候,他看起来愚蠢不要担忧。"